Pagina 23 ~ Offer you short-staying apartment rentals
Data introducerii anuntului: 04-03-2013
For a proper accomodation in Bucharest, we offer you short-staying apartment rentals, fully equipped and furnished, in a secure and pleasant enviroment, the Barbu Vacarescu zone. 60€ per day. 0720.672.318
Pagina 23 ~ Alte anunturi imobilliare din categoria Inchirieri apartamente:
Ofer spre inchiriere 2 camere Stefan cel mareInchiriez ap 3 camere Oradea 160 ERENT ap 3 camere Piata 1 Maiinchiriez apartament cu 3 camereInchiriez ap 3 cam oradeaINCHIRIEZ APARTAMENT SECTOR 4 LANGA ORASELUL COPIILOR ( INTRAREA MICA)De inchiriat apartament 3 camere - Sala PalatuluiInchiriez apartament 3 camere zona casa Poporului - Rond CosbucInchiriez apartament 2 camereOFER APARTAMENT 2 CAMERE LUX , 400 EURO, SECTOR 1, BUCURESTIOfer Camera Chirie/Gazdaapartament 2 camere zona rezidentialaInchiriere camera vilaOFER APARTAMENT 2 CAMERE LUX IN BLOC NOU, 400 EURO, SECTOR 1, BUCURESTIInchiriez2 camere Cosmopolis - anunt proprietarGarsoniera Cosmopolis - anunt proprietarInchiriez garsoniera Decebal intersectie cu DristorDau in chirie pe termen lung apartament 3 camereGIULESTI MEGA IMAGE