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Pagina 39 ~ New apartments for rent

Data introducerii anuntului: 10-04-2009

Apartments completed during 2008 available for rent in the following projects: Emerald Residences, Quadra Place, Diamond Park. The apartments have been delivered acording to the Developer's specifications: tile, parquet, air conditioning etc. Whether you're moving to Romania for a new job, a new tan or a new way of life, you're bound to find great apartments.500 Euro-+40728989585
Botis Ioan Andrei

Pagina 39 ~ Alte anunturi imobilliare din categoria Inchirieri apartamente:

Oferta inchiriere apartament 2 camere TineretuluiApartament 3 camereInchiriez garsoniera adiacent zvon decebalinchiriez apartament 3 camere dimitrie cantemirofer ap 3 camere spre inchiriereAPARTAMENTE 3 CAMERE INCHIRIERI IN COMPLEX REZIDENTIAL COSMOPOLISAPARTAMENT CALEA VICTORIEIInchiriez Apartament SezonierINCHIRIEZ APARTAMENTINCHIRIEZ APARTAMENTApartament de inchiriatInchiriez GarsonieraAsigurari EUROINS TIMISOARA Asigurari RCA EUROINS Asigurari RCA EUROINS ieftineOfer spre inchiriere garsoniera spatioasainchiriez apartament cu 3 camereInchiriez 2 camere Dr. tabereiInchiriez camere de lux in ConstantaFloreasca regim hotelierApartament 2 camere la casa Piata Victoriei BucurestiInchiriez apartament sat vacanta
Pagina 39

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